Friday, January 28, 2011

to pick a pair of jeans

My mom likes to shop, she loves to buy her girls new clothes to dress us up with. But if there's something she really, really doesn't like to shop for with me... it's jeans! I am all about comfort and what fits right. Jeans I find, never fit in the right proportions, so I had a tendency to just ... give up and jump into a pair of my favorite sweats. Why buy something that doesn't fit right? Something I don't like and one use later be in a bag headed to the Salvation Army. It's not worth it! Maybe once a year .. probably even less I find a pair that I really like and since I'm not growing anymore I wear those until they get too worn out to wear to nice events, then the whole search process starts again! (ugh!)

But! There is hope! Once I put on a pair I like, I know right away that they are the ones (and usually they were the exact same thing I got last time! I recently noticed this b.c I save the tags to old ones =] )  My process for making decisions I know is not the norm in today's consumer society. I search, try some on, search some more, and then search some morreeee until the right ones come along. The same thing happened when I turned 13. My parents told me they would give me a purity ring, but they wanted me to pick it out, so it is exactly. what. I. want. (Boy do they know me well or what?!)  Let me tell you, like my jeans the process was long, and irritating, at times I wanted to settle for something less. There are a lot of pretty rings and I probably looked at them all  ;) but somewhere in my heart I knew they weren't for me. Like a puzzle there are some pieces out there that look the shape, but don't quite fit, or don't match the background. So you go in search for another piece. The minute I found my ring it was like I knew all along it was the one, the pieces clicked! The waiting, the decision making, the impatiences, it was all over and oh so very worth it. To this day - nearly 4 years later I still wear that ring until the moment comes where my life long perfect match puzzle piece proposes and we are married.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, girls and their shopping;) Well i hope you found that perfect pair of jeans today, don't wear them out tooo fast tho, like those puzzle pieces their one in a million...or a 1000 or 550 or... however big a puzzle you have lol But i hope that ring of yours continues to be a blessing and leads you to that "perfect match", there are billions of people in the world but God, like you said, only allows that one perfect piece:)
